Monitoring aktuálních informací a webových zdrojů týkajících se "IT Service Managementu" - ITSM, jmenovitě "Information Technology Infrastructure Library" - ITILu a COBITu. Weblog je součástí informačního portálu AKA-MONITOR,, spravovaného doc. A. Katolickým.

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ITIL-based IT Help Desk and SMB

"How ITIL-based IT Help Desk can help Small and Medium Businesses"
Pod tímto názvem bylo opublikováno pojednání, které je může být inspirací pro mnoho SMB podniků u nás. Z textu, který má 12 stran ve formátu PDF, vybírám krátkou ukázku:
"How ITIL can help SMBs to streamline IT Service Support?
ITIL’s IT Service Support process helps organizations to efficiently manage software, hardware, and human resource services to ensure continued and uninterrupted business. ITIL defines that the core function of IT Service is to offer “uninterrupted and best possible service” to all users. It defines 5 processes such as Incident Management, Problem Management, Configuration Management, Change Management, and Release Management to offer uninterrupted and best possible service. ITIL does not mandate enterprises and organization to implement all the framework specifications. This freedom to choose is one of the prime reasons why ITIL is still very relevant even today to enterprises of all sizes. SMBs need to have a cost savings approach to ITIL implementation; this approach helps them to adopt the right features without getting caught in standards-sake ITIL implementations."

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