MOF Executive Overwiew v3.0. MOF a ITIL
Na bázi ITIL rámce vzniklo několik konkrétních metodik.Jednou z těch, které bývají téměř vždy uváděny na přednáškách, je MOF - Microsoft Operations Framework. 17-ti stránkovou informaci o této metodice ( v angličtině ) jsem našel na níže uvedené webové adrese. Zde je osnova článku:
- Abstract
- What’s New?
- Introduction
- The Customer Perspective: Operations and the State of Business
- Enhancing Your Organization with MOF
- MOF and Quality of Service Improvement Initiatives
- Getting Started with MOF
- The MOF Components
- IT Project Life Cycle
- The MOF Risk Management Discipline
Jako komponenty MOF jsou uváděny:
- The Team Model
- The Process Model
- The Risk Management Discipline
Užitečnou částí článku je srovnání MOF a ITIL. V čem jsou shodné?
Cituji:"MOF is similar to ITIL in several ways:
- MOF (in conjunction with MSF) spans the entire IT life cycle.
- MOF is based on best practices for IT management, drawing on the expertise of an international group of practitioners, including Microsoft World Wide Services, Microsoft Partners, Microsoft customers, and the internal (and extensive) Microsoft IT operations group.
- The MOF body of knowledge is applicable across the business community - from small business to enterprise. MOF is not just for those operating on the Microsoft platform within homogenous environments.
- Like ITIL, MOF has expanded to include more than just a documentation set. MOF is a core component of the MSIM solution accelerators, ensuring that solutions are operable in your IT environment, post-deployment. Furthermore, a variety of resources have been developed to support MOF principles and guidance, including self-assessments, IT management tools that incorporate MOF terminology and features, training programs and certification, and consulting services. These are offered by numerous third-party vendors and consultants.
MOF jde dále, za hranice ITIL rámce.
Cituji:"MOF expands upon and extends ITIL through the following:
- Addition of the MOF Team and Process Models and Risk Management Discipline (summarized subsequently within this document).
- Simplification of IT processes into a simple diagrammatic model, with all components and their relationships visible at a glance.
- Focus on the service-delivery level of IT management, rather than on IT operations in their entirety. For example, ITIL identifies individual service functions such as Service Level
Management and Capacity Management; these are described within the ITIL Service Delivery publication. In contrast, MOF individually recognizes over 20 service delivery functions and devotes an entire publication to each of them, providing descriptions, examples, and best practice guidance.
- Combination of ITIL collaborative industry standards with specific guidelines for using Microsoft products and technologies.
- Scalability of MOF guidance and principles from implementation within a single service to
implementation across a high-order structure such as a data center or entire operations environment. MOF also extends the ITIL code of practice to support distributed IT environments and industry trends such as application hosting and Web-based transactional and e-commerce systems.
Procesní model MOF je založen na následujících principech. Cituji:"The MOF Process Model is based on four guiding principles:
- Structured architecture. The MOF Process Model organizes all operational activities needed for mission-critical computing in a complex IT environment.
- Rapid life cycle, iterative improvement. MOF supports an iterative IT life cycle that facilitates rapid assessment and change to respond to evolving business needs.
- Review-driven management. The Process Model requires operations management reviews (OMRs) a key points in the life cycle. In these reviews, the team and key stakeholders evaluate performance for release-based activities as well as time-based operational activities.- Embedded risk management. Since the ultimate business cost of an IT service failure can be catastrophic, MOF proactively manages risk throughout operational processes.
Článek nazvaný:
"MOF Executive Overview v3.0" představuje manažérský pohled na problematiku ITSM.
Najdete ho kliknutím na TENTO ODKAZ.
- Abstract
- What’s New?
- Introduction
- The Customer Perspective: Operations and the State of Business
- Enhancing Your Organization with MOF
- MOF and Quality of Service Improvement Initiatives
- Getting Started with MOF
- The MOF Components
- IT Project Life Cycle
- The MOF Risk Management Discipline
Jako komponenty MOF jsou uváděny:
- The Team Model
- The Process Model
- The Risk Management Discipline
Užitečnou částí článku je srovnání MOF a ITIL. V čem jsou shodné?
Cituji:"MOF is similar to ITIL in several ways:
- MOF (in conjunction with MSF) spans the entire IT life cycle.
- MOF is based on best practices for IT management, drawing on the expertise of an international group of practitioners, including Microsoft World Wide Services, Microsoft Partners, Microsoft customers, and the internal (and extensive) Microsoft IT operations group.
- The MOF body of knowledge is applicable across the business community - from small business to enterprise. MOF is not just for those operating on the Microsoft platform within homogenous environments.
- Like ITIL, MOF has expanded to include more than just a documentation set. MOF is a core component of the MSIM solution accelerators, ensuring that solutions are operable in your IT environment, post-deployment. Furthermore, a variety of resources have been developed to support MOF principles and guidance, including self-assessments, IT management tools that incorporate MOF terminology and features, training programs and certification, and consulting services. These are offered by numerous third-party vendors and consultants.
MOF jde dále, za hranice ITIL rámce.
Cituji:"MOF expands upon and extends ITIL through the following:
- Addition of the MOF Team and Process Models and Risk Management Discipline (summarized subsequently within this document).
- Simplification of IT processes into a simple diagrammatic model, with all components and their relationships visible at a glance.
- Focus on the service-delivery level of IT management, rather than on IT operations in their entirety. For example, ITIL identifies individual service functions such as Service Level
Management and Capacity Management; these are described within the ITIL Service Delivery publication. In contrast, MOF individually recognizes over 20 service delivery functions and devotes an entire publication to each of them, providing descriptions, examples, and best practice guidance.
- Combination of ITIL collaborative industry standards with specific guidelines for using Microsoft products and technologies.
- Scalability of MOF guidance and principles from implementation within a single service to
implementation across a high-order structure such as a data center or entire operations environment. MOF also extends the ITIL code of practice to support distributed IT environments and industry trends such as application hosting and Web-based transactional and e-commerce systems.
Procesní model MOF je založen na následujících principech. Cituji:"The MOF Process Model is based on four guiding principles:
- Structured architecture. The MOF Process Model organizes all operational activities needed for mission-critical computing in a complex IT environment.
- Rapid life cycle, iterative improvement. MOF supports an iterative IT life cycle that facilitates rapid assessment and change to respond to evolving business needs.
- Review-driven management. The Process Model requires operations management reviews (OMRs) a key points in the life cycle. In these reviews, the team and key stakeholders evaluate performance for release-based activities as well as time-based operational activities.- Embedded risk management. Since the ultimate business cost of an IT service failure can be catastrophic, MOF proactively manages risk throughout operational processes.
Článek nazvaný:
"MOF Executive Overview v3.0" představuje manažérský pohled na problematiku ITSM.
Najdete ho kliknutím na TENTO ODKAZ.
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