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ITIL's Final Breakthrough: From 'What' to 'How'

Optimisticky laděný článek Thomase Mendel PRO Podtitulek článku by mohl znít „Get Ready for ITIL“ Z pozoruhodného stručného článku vybírám:
“After 15 years, the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) is finally becoming the de facto standard methodology for internal IT service delivery processes. The final breakthrough will come in early 2005, when ITIL finally makes the shift from describing service delivery processes—the "what"—to helping organizations actually implement these processes and measure service quality—the "how." Widespread adoption of ITIL best practices by internal IT departments will follow through to 2008
2005 will be the year when ITIL goes mainstream. Internal IT departments should therefore start planning their ITIL implementation toward the end of 2004
Implementations will be tightly connected to the infrastructure management tools that companies use, as these tools contain more and more ITIL best practices out of the box. Rather than implementing ITIL in isolation, companies should take the opportunity to map their core IT services and upgrade their infrastructure management systems in conjunction with the ITIL implementation."

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