ITIL implementations: Great expectations
Touto zprávou Vás upozorňuji na zajímavý text, věnovaný věčně aktuální otázce: "očekávání". Zkušený veterán ITIL radí, jak se k tomuto problému postavit v případě projektů implementace ITIL.
Z textu jsem vybral jen jednu ukázku, která je u nás velmi aktuální"
"Unfortunately, most projects train staff after the initiation phase, which is after the important decisions documented in the project charter have been made. You want to train your key people before you make irrevocable choices, priorto initiation. During project initiation, companies start talking to vendors about the tools they can purchase that will help them implement an ITIL solution. You must develop in-house expertise before you begin talking to vendors to be on an even footing. At a minimum, stakeholders and team members should attend an ITIL Foundations class."
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