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A new ITIL for the integration age

Na webu jsem objevil aktuální článek – z 16. května 2006 - jehož autorem je Aidan Lawes. Dovídáme se v něm poslední novinky z kuchyně tvůrců nové ITIL.
Autor článku ho sám v anotaci uvádí takto:
”ITIL is being revised at the moment. Key words for 'the new ITIL' are: IT-based service and integration. Aidan Lawes, CEO of ITSMF UK and ITSMF International, discusses the revision of ITIL in his article at Computerweekly. He explains the core definitions of ITIL won't change. It is the integration of the separate processes into a lifecycle approach that is the core of the new ITIL. The basics of this new approach is a shift of focus from IT service to IT based service of business. The core volumes will be reduced from seven to five. The new core volumes will be organised in more of a lifecycle approach, with working titles as follows: service strategies, service design, service introduction, service operation and continuing service improvement.I nformation about individual processes, previously contained within a specific volume, will now be found across several volumes, reflecting the relevant aspects at the particular stage of the lifecycle."

Z obsahu článku dále cituji:
"In addition to these core volumes, there will be supporting books, brochures, documents and other information. Much of this will be aimed at specific target audiences such as business managers or CIOs, and provide the appropriate messages about value propositions. The authors of the material are currently being selected following an open tender process, which saw 46 valid offers received from a wide range of countries and market sectors. Authors will work in pairs, supported by the IAG, with quality checks built into the development process. The itSMF will provide the quality assurance audience and the final sign-off of the content will reside with the itSMF International’s Publication Committee. This process will ensure a much more timely delivery of a quality product. It is expected that aside from core material, further complementary material will be generated. Much of the complementary information will be quite dynamic in nature, requiring regular updating. To ensure that the latest information is available to the community, much of this material will be web-based and freely available. There is also a sub-project to review the associated examination scheme, to see how that, too, can be improved to make it truly meet the needs of the market place. For enterprises that have invested, or are investing, in ITIL-based improvement programmes, the refresh should have minimal impact. Most of the core process definitions will not change at all.”
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