Monitoring aktuálních informací a webových zdrojů týkajících se "IT Service Managementu" - ITSM, jmenovitě "Information Technology Infrastructure Library" - ITILu a COBITu. Weblog je součástí informačního portálu AKA-MONITOR,, spravovaného doc. A. Katolickým.

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Internetový publicista provozující AKA-MONITOR ISSN 1804-042X,.


ITIL v. 3 - Co se bude skutečně měnit?

Jako reakce na obavy z toho, že nebude dodržena slíbená zásada, podle které by mělo být z verze 2 zachováno vše co se osvědčilo, byl sepsán článek opublikovaný na níže uvedené adrese a to pod názvem:
"Where are the processes in ITIL v3?"
V úvodu článku je uvedeno:
"At the beginning of the ITIL Refresh Project the expectations were that the project would optimize the presentation of the ITIL v2 version. All 'old' values would be preserved, based on the idea if it ain't broke, don't fix it. No consequences in terms of certification devaluation, no consequences in terms of changing the product specifications that were based on the core content of ITIL (SS & SD)."
Dílčí témata článku:
- But how much will change?
- Will the market accept it?
- But where have the processes gone?
- And what's new in ITIL-v3?
- When will we see the results?
- Still, what about CAR and ITSMF?
Článek končí těmito slovy:
"In the mean time the OGC is doing its very best to take away the impression that CAR and Refresh could be a conflicting pair, and that they would loose the connection with the community. Their latest news posting says "OGC looks to itSMFI for endorsement of its publications, ensuring that ITIL continues to meet the needs of its community. In particular, itSMFI and chapter members are leading lights in the continuing work on the refresh of ITIL."
Plný text najdete na adrese: ZDE