Vztahy ITIL procesů - model
Zajímavý text z dílny PinkElephantu je ke stažení na webu na níže uvedené adrese. Zaujal mne mimo jiné poněkud netradičně provedený model vztahů ITIL procesů. Obrázek s modelem si můžete prohlédnout ZDE-ZDE. V textu je model uveden takto:
"PROCESS DEPENDENCIES. While several of the decision factors ... are unique to each organization, there is one consideration that based on general ITIL principles remains relatively static. Based on logic and sequence, certain processes need to be in place at a relatively mature state in order to supportthe introduction of others. For this reason “Process Dependencies” can be defined with all otherthings being considered equal."
Celý text je ke stažení využitím tohoto ODKAZU.
"PROCESS DEPENDENCIES. While several of the decision factors ... are unique to each organization, there is one consideration that based on general ITIL principles remains relatively static. Based on logic and sequence, certain processes need to be in place at a relatively mature state in order to supportthe introduction of others. For this reason “Process Dependencies” can be defined with all otherthings being considered equal."
Celý text je ke stažení využitím tohoto ODKAZU.
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