ITIL Implementations: Great Expectations
Pod tímto názvem napsal Blake Ragsdell pro článek s následující anotací:
"At the outset, every project seems full of promise. Unfortunately, not every project lives up to its full potential. How can you start your ITIL implementation then keep the ball rolling while maintaining the energy level and attention ITIL requires?"
O čem článek pojednává?
- Expectations--How do I learn what is appropriate?
- Bridging the gap--How do I get started?
- Four key expectation challenges with ITIL projects
1. Your ITIL project will span years.
2. You should manage the collection of ITIL projects as a program.
3. You're implementing a framework not a product.
4. You will lose resources over the program’s lifespan.
K článku již proběhla i on-line diskuse.
Adresa článku, který pokračuje na další stránce, je:
"At the outset, every project seems full of promise. Unfortunately, not every project lives up to its full potential. How can you start your ITIL implementation then keep the ball rolling while maintaining the energy level and attention ITIL requires?"
O čem článek pojednává?
- Expectations--How do I learn what is appropriate?
- Bridging the gap--How do I get started?
- Four key expectation challenges with ITIL projects
1. Your ITIL project will span years.
2. You should manage the collection of ITIL projects as a program.
3. You're implementing a framework not a product.
4. You will lose resources over the program’s lifespan.
K článku již proběhla i on-line diskuse.
Adresa článku, který pokračuje na další stránce, je:
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