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Internetový publicista provozující AKA-MONITOR ISSN 1804-042X,.


Will ITIL make SOA governable?

Jak SOA tak ITIL jsou poslední dobou stále populárnější samy o sobě. Nad otázkou jejich vzájemného vztahu a nad možnými přínosy ITIL k účinnosti implementace SOA se zamýšlí zkušený autor Joe McKendrick. Plně znění jeho úvahy bylo zvěřejněno 27. března 2006 na níže uvedené adrese.
Z textu cituji několik myšlenek:
"ITIL may even pave the way toward better SOA as well. The common thread between ITIL and SOA was articulated by a post by D.L. Tyler, who pointed out that ITIL makes it easier to implement SOA".
"Companies look to SOA for lots of reasons, to integrate systems, to create visibility, to standardize on XML, or whatever. Yet, no matter the purpose of the initiative or the desired end state, I have found it easier to implement SOA in environments that have ITIL/ITSM. Remember, SOA is not about Web services, it is about an approach that creates agility and responsiveness in both IT and business. That responsiveness to environmental conditions requires monitoring, reporting, and responding; ITIL/ITSM focuses on just that."
"The bottom line: ITIL is all about governance, and SOA needs a good healthy dose of governance to move to the next level. Helping IT get its arms around multi-pronged issues such as versioning and change management can mean making that leap from Just a Bunch of Web Services (JBOWS) to SOA."
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